The ALADSYS.Realty module for the real estate accounting and management automation was implemented within an ALADSYS-based integrated system in Special Depository Center. The module allows to keep track of a wide range of real estate transactions, such as acquisition, sale, construction, rent, utility expences and maintenance costs.
A new version of ALADSYS.TRUST module for OFBU (General Funds of Bank’s Management) released within Financial Markets Integrated System for Banks ALADSYS.TREASURY.Bank, which includes internal and custodian's records in accordance with the FSFM requirements, bank’s statutory records in accordance with the Bank of Russia requirements (302-P) and tax accounting and registers according to Ministry of Finance and Tax code.
Aladdin Systems company successfully completed the works on the migration of the Aladdin SDEPO to the new ALADSYS v.304 system kernel in the Special Depository Center and also a works for special depository/registrar system enhancements in accordance with new legislative requirements.
A written testimonial is received about the six-year operation of the ALADSYS Securities-Asset Management/Fund system in Metropol Management Company. In the written testimonial was a complete match, the system requirements for the conduct of internal and accounting opportunities for the system tuning. It is also marked by a high degree of system reliability and seriousness of "Aladdin-Systems company to ensure compliance with the regulator’s requirements and adaptation to changes in operating and accounting schemes in the financial markets.
Aladdin-Systems company participated in “Software Development 2009:Banks” conference. The report "Factors influencing productivity in the development or adaptation of the Software. Ways of increasing effectiveness "was made by Sergey Hanjin, Aladdin-Systems Directort for the custmers relations. The report analyzed the factors affecting the productivity when developing or adapting the software, reviewed the various aspects of production activities in the field of IT, the specific ways to enhance collaboration and mutual cooperation of the Customer and the Contractor as part of IT-projects are proposed for further discussion.
A written testimonial is received about integrated solution implementation, allowing the full automation on the bases of unified ALADSYS platform of the professional brokerage activity on shares, bonds and derivatives markets, depository service (conducted by EVEREST Brokerage Service company) and individual well as mutual and pension funds asset management (conducted by EVEREST Managenet company).
Aladdin-Systems company has taken part in the Fifth Annual Conference-Exhibition "The financial company back-office automation", conducted by MICEX and Center of Informatyion and Accounting Technologies. As a part of ongoing activities, the new functional capabilities of the ALADSYS products line v 3.11 were demonstrated. Using of the new ALADSYS version gives a significant increase in performance, allows customers to use the automatic service for updates installation, enhances and simplifies the process of supplements development, condacted by customer’s staff.
The results of the National Rating of Depositaries Reliability for the first half of 2009, which is prepared by the PARTAD and the Financial research development fund "Infrastructure Institute" was analyzed. According to this rating, 3 out of 13 depositaries of the highest reliability category perform the depositary bookkeeping using the "ALADSYS.DEPO" system; 6 of them use other ALADSYS products. Among the Top 30 depositaries with the greatest market value of assets in custody 6 use the ALADSYS.DEPO system and 13 use other ALADSYS products. Among the Top 10 of special depositaries by market value of property under control, 5 use the ALADSYS.SDEPO system. Among the Top 10 of special depositaries by the number of funds serviced, 5 use the ALADSYS.SDEPO system.
A written testimonial about technical support activities in VTB, one of the largest Russian banks, is received. According to the special depository staff, the performance of ALADSYS ("Aladdin"). SDEPO system after special tuning has increased by more than 10 times.
Aladdin-Systems company developed the ALADSYS.Realty module for the real estate accounting and management automation for companies, mutual, pension and equity funds.
The commercial operation in full of the integrated ALADSYS system started in Everest Brokerage Service financial company. The configuration includes maintanance of internal (back-office) and statutory accounting, including financial futures and options, RTS FORTS integration means & FSFM Reportin (Instruction #33) Using the QUIK integraion means allowed ON-Line accounting and maximally automate the process of handling a large volume of transactions. Combining back-office ALADSYS.Securities and depository ALADSYS.DEPO (Sertified by PARTAD with Sertificate No D.02-11 dd 05.09.2008) systems in a single configuration allows to organize departments collaboration and to accelerate and simplify the operations.
The company Aladdin-Systems participated in the Fifth Annual Conference-Exhibition
"Financial Company Back-Office
Automation", which had been organized by the MICEX.
On the 4th of September, the Deputy General Director of Aladdin-Systems Sergey Khanzhin made the talk
"Bookkeeping for the operations with real estate in an investment fund portfolio". The talk covered the functionality
in the new module ALADSYS.Realty for the automation of the bookkeeping for the operations
with real property. On the 5th of September, at this exhibition, Aladdin-Systems demonstrated
a new version of the kernel ALADSYS. This version makes it possible
to use absolutely new mechanisms of the applications adaptation to the specific needs of a customer without actual coding;
the demonstration also covered the applications that had been developed on the basis of the new kernel for the automation
of real estate management, accounting for share investment funds, as well as the standard tasks of back-office bookkeeping,
asset management, special depot accounting, and electronic document-flow implementation.
The system ALADSYS.DEPO (which was previously called Aladdin DEPO)
has successfully passed the software tests by the experts of INFI PARTAD,
who tested its compliance with the Requirements to the Software for Depositary Securities Bookkeeping - in order to prolong
the Certificate issued in 2001. The new Certificate, #Ä02-11, issued on September 5th, 2008, permits the organizations using
the system ALADSYS.DEPO (Aladdin DEPO) to improve their positions in the PARTAD's Depositaries Reliability Rating.
The real-life use of the system ALADSYS.Securities.AM
has started in the asset management company "Everest Asset Management".
The configuration includes internal bookkeeping (back-office), including aggregated FSFM reporting (Instruction 33) and
the calculation of asset management charges and success premiums, and accounting for individual asset management.
The use of the tools for the on-line integration with QUIK has made possible the maximal automation of the processing
of high volume of deals. The configuration also includes the Futures and Options Module
and the tools for the import from RTS FORTS.
The implementation of ALADSYS.SDEPO (Aladdin SDEPO) in
ING Wholesale Banking is finished.
In 2005, the journal Global Finance the third time in a row rated ING Wholesale Banking (ING Bank Eurasia) as
the best sub-custodian in Russia. According to PARTAD ranking, the Bank has the best reliability rating - AAA,
and it is number one in Russia in terms of the market value of assets in custody. Currently, the Bank is
the biggest player on this market; it has more than USD 103 bn of client's assets in custody. The new system,
which is implemented in the place of an older software complex, includes the special depo modules for mutual funds
(PIFs), non-government pension funds (NPFs), and share investment funds (AIFs). In addition to the securities
bookkeeping tools, the system includes a bookkeeping module for real estate ALADSYS.Realty
The module of unit investment funds register of ALADSYS.SDEPO (Aladdin SDEPO)
is installed in the special depositary "SD center",
which is a part of Uralsib
financial corporation. "SD center" has the AAA rating of depositaries reliability (the top category); the rating is
prepared by the PARTAD and the Financial research development fund "Infrastructure Institute". "SD center" is also
in the Top 30 depositaries with the greatest market value of assets in custody.
Our Federal Security Service of Russia License
for the work with the use of limited-access confidential information is prolonged till 2012.
This license allows Aladdin-Systems-M to participate in special projects.
"Aladdin Systems" has taken part in the Third Annual Conference-Exhibition
"The financial company back-office automation" - one of the most significant forums
in this area. Its purpose is to present to the financial community the new software
products related to the automation of exchanges, banks, investment companies,
asset managers, insurance companies, mutual funds (PIFs), non-government pension funds,
depositaries, special depositaries, as well as document flow control and security
of information in this area.
We have analyzed the results of the National Rating of Depositaries Reliability
for the first half of 2007, which is prepared by the PARTAD and the Financial research development fund
"Infrastructure Institute". According to this rating, 7 out of 16 depositaries of
the highest reliability category perform the depositary bookkeeping using the system
"Aladdin DEPO"; 11 of them use other Aladdin products. Among the
Top 30 depositaries
with the greatest market value of assets in custody 5 use the system Aladdin DEPO and 17
use other Aladdin products. Among the Top 10 special depositaries by market value of property under control,
7 use the system Aladdin SDEPO.
The Futures and Options module of Aladdin Securities
system has been implemented in the investment company "Univer-Capital",
which is a broker-dealer in futures and options at RTS-FORTS.
Aladdin Systems has finished the first stage of Aladdin Securities
implementation for back-office and Russian statutory accounting of operations in the Russian markets in
one of the world's largest investment banks.
This investment bank is one of the leading world traders and underwriters; it also acts as a strategic consultant
for corporate and state clients, organizations and individuals all over the world. Currently, it has offices in 40
countries, and the total volume of its client assets is about 2 trillion US dollars.
The integrated solution Aladdin Securities/FUND for an asset manager
that works with both individual clients and mutual funds is implemented in the asset management company
This management company works with the pension reserves of the non-government pension fund "Regionfund", which is
in the Top 10 biggest non-government pension funds in terms of pension reserves volume; it also has a group of interval
and open-end mutual funds under management: "Stocks fund", "Balanced fund", "Sochi-2014", as well as individual clients.
"Aladdin Systems" specialists have taken part in the conference "Back-office automation for asset managing
companies working in the futures and options market at RTS (FORTS)", which was held in Marriott-Aurora hotel
at Petrovka 11/20. At that conference, we made the presentation of the Futures and Options module
of Aladdin Securities AM system for asset managers. This module allows optimizing and integrating
the activities of all departments of an asset management company. In this module, we've paid special attention
to the regulator's (FSMC) requirements. The conference was also attended by representatives of FSMC, NAUFOR, RTS,
"Derivative Expert" analytical agency, and the leading software developing companies.
The mutual funds module of the Aladdin Securities AM system has been implemented
in the "AMK Finance" asset management company. This company is the strategic
partner of "Reso-Garantia" insurance company providing the latter with the asset management services; it also
has the group "AMK-Reso" of mutual funds under management: "Leader", "Realist", "Expert", "Globalist".
This module allows to perform statutory accounting for the mutual fund's operations and to compile all the corresponding reports.
At the Second Annual Conference-Exhibition "The financial company
back-office automation" (February 28 - March 1), which was held at the MICEX Conference hall
(Bolshoi Kislovsky pereulok 13), "Aladdin Systems" presented a number of new modules of the systems
Aladdin Securities and
Aladdin SDEPO.
the electronic docflow optimisation and improvement process,
the "FINCOM" financial company conducted the contract
on installaton and support of the Aladdin Mutual Funds Agents
Network distributed system, which assists to organize the
Mutial Funds Receiving Requests Points ON-Line interaction
with the Management Company and with the Special Registrar.
The Hypothec Securities Îperations module was deployed in
CIT-Finance Investment
Bank. The module includes back-office and accounting
operations of the mortgage commitments in the portfolios
of mutial funds and individual investors. The mortgage commitments
valuations conducted on the base of planned repayment payments
schedules and payments executions by fact.
distributed Aladdin Mutual Funds Agents Network System was
put into operation in "Management-Center" Management
Company. "Management-Center", one of the oldest
Russian management companies, works in the mutual funds
market since 1997 and occupy a leading positions not only
for the managing assets value, but else in reliability.
From year to year the "EXPERT R.A." Russian rating
agency associated the highest reliability category (A++)
to the company. The project includes the reports adaptations
to the funds-specific regulations, and Special Registrar
"NIKoil" communication facilities development.
Among the mutual funds agents are "Petrocommerce"
bank branches.
Aladdin Securities and Aladdin DEPO systems united configuration
was put into operation in the "Golden-Securities"
Investmånt-Brokerage Company (Samara City).
The Licenses of Federal Service for Technical and Export
Control of Russian Federation (former Licenses of State
Technical Comission of the President of the Russian Federation)
was prolonged. The licenses gives to "Aladdin-Systems
-M" LLC the possibility to carry out the works, conducted
with the information-protection facilities creation, and
to carry out benefits and actions in the field of the high-level
confidentiality information protection in the part of technical
information protection. The licenses allows "Aladdin-Systems
-M" LLC to take part in the creation of the systems
with high-level data confidentiality.
The Aladdin Securirties Asset Management System was put
into operation in the "AMC-Finance" Management
Company. Since 2005 "AMC-Finance" was a member
of "RESO-Garantia" holding. Now a company is a
strategic partner of the "RESO-Garantia" insurance
company in the field of asset management and investments.
In November 6-7, 2006 the "Aladdin Systems" company
was took part in the Third Ànnual Conference-Exibition "Exchange
Technologies and its connection with back-office systems
automation processes" (MICEX Conference Hall). March
6 Aladdin's Deputy Director for clients relations Sergey
Khangin gaved a talk "Aladdin System Adaptation According
to the Individual Back-office Regulations and Control Procedures
Automation". March 7 the visitors became acquanted
with all the Aladdin-Systems solutions spectrum for back-office,
depositories and agents network automation.
The MICEX Derivative Market Section Terminal Quotes and
Transactions Import Integration Module of the Aladdin Securities
system is developed. Its purpose is the interaction with
the Aladdin Derivative Market Module, which supports trading
in futures and options in the part of back office recording
and financial accounting (in accordance with the requirements
of the Bank of Russia). Earlier we developed the integration
module for the interaction with the RTS FORTS Market.
The Federal Security Service has issued the prolongation
of our License for carrying out work related to the use
of restricted access information. This license allows the
Aladdin-Systems-M company to participate in the projects
with limited information access.
The Aladdin DEPO depositary system is put into commercial
operation in the Unikom-Partner financial and investment
company (in Yekaterinburg city). This company renders services
of a professional securities market participant
both to private investors and securities issuers of the
Urals Federal District.
The Aladdin Securities/Fund system is put into commercial
operation in the Bank of Moscow Management Company and in
the Pension Reserve management company. This project included
the transfer of historical data of 7 mutual
funds , collected in the course of several years’ work.
Within the limits of the project several software interfaces
between the system and various Bank's IT systems were created.
The Bank of Moscow Management Company is rated «ÀÀ+» by
the NAUFOR (which means a very high
reliability – the highest level) and is in the Top 10 largest
Russian management companies for the opened and interval
mutual funds. It manages 6 unit investment funds and pension
reserves of several non-governmental pension funds.
The Pension Reserve management company is also rated «ÀÀ+»
by the NAUFOR; it specializes in the trust management of
pension reserves of non-governmental pension funds and in
the trust management of pension accruals
it also manages the Pension Reserve mutual fund.
On March 2 – 3, the company Aladdin-Systems participated
in the “Financial Software News” exhibition-conference (MICEX
Conference Hall, Bolshoi Kislovsky pereulok, 13, Moscow).
On March 2, the Deputy General Director on the Development
of Clients’ Relations of Aladdin Systems Sergei Khangin
made a talk “Rendering financial services using Aladdin
Solutions”. On March 3, at the Aladdin-Systems’ stand the
exhibition visitors could learn about all the solutions
in the company’s product line – including the newly announced
solution for the private banking services automation.
The analysis of the research underlying the ratings given
by the Financial Research Development Fund of INFI together
with the PARTAD for the first half
of the 2005 has highlighted the following statistics. Half
of the special depositaries included in the National Specialized
Depositaries Rating (11 out of 22) have stated that they
use the Aladdin software for special depositaries. Currently,
7 from the TOP 10 specialized depositaries by the value
of assets under control and 6 from the TOP 10 specialized
depositaries by the number of funds under control (according
to the corresponding rankings) use Aladdin software. Five
out of 12 depositaries in the group of maximal reliability
(with the rating AAA) do their depositary recording on the
basis of the system Aladdin DEPO, and one of the depositaries
in this group use this system partly.
The Mutual Funds Special Depository Integrated Systems was
put into operation in "PEKO-Invest" special depository.
The system includes Mutual Funds Control and Mutual Funds
Registrar Aladdin SDEPO modules. According to the INFI PARTAD
ranking, "PEKO-Invest" was included in TOP 10
specialized russian depositaries by the value of assets
under control.
The Aladdin SDEPO Special Depository Integrated Systems
(for Mutal and Pension Funds control and Mutal Funds Registrar)
was depolyed, tested and put into operation in GAZPROMBANK,
one of the largest russian banks.
During the integration process into "URALSIB BANK"
(JSC) of the
"Bryansky Peoples Bank", "Krassugol Bank"
the united depository operation systems was formed on the
base of the NIKDEPO system(special ALADDIN DEPO version
for URALSIB financial corporation). The data merging from
the previous operational periods from above-mentioned banks
was fulfilled. The united "URALSIB BANK" is the
federal-scale financial institute, highly diversificated
for territory coverage, clients bases, and income sources,
occupying the remarkable place on Russian financial market.
The "Aladdin-Systems" company takes part in the
Second Exibition-Conference "The financial company
back-office automation" in MICEX.
The Web-interface BUG-Tracking systems for the clients-developers
interaction and for the Aladdin family products support
maintainance was put into operation in Aladdin-Systems company.
The systems entrance is via the "Support" menu
item of www.systems.ru.
The "SWIFT Interdepository Interaction Module"
and the "SWIFT Payment Instructions Support Module"for
the Aladdin Securities system was put into operation. The
modules is maintaining the ISO 15002 SWIFT Standart.
The Aladdin Securities/FUND system for the internal back
office and bookkeeping accounting of mutual funds and asset
management operations in russian maket was put into operation
in “DWS-Investment” Management Company of the Deutche Bank
The Aladdin SDEPO special depository systems for mutual
and pension funds control was put into commercial operation
in "Deutche Bank" in Russia.
The Aladdin Securities/Fund Systems for back-office and
mutual funds accounting was put into operation in the "CAPITAL"
Management Company.
The special depository Aladdin SDEPO systems for mutual
and pension funds control and for mutuial funds registrar
was put into operation in NOMOS-Bank
The Aladdin Securities Systems for back-office was put into
operation in "National Management Company"
The Aladdin Securities/Fund systems for back-office and
mutual funds accounting begins operation in "OIL and
GAS assets" Management Company
Promissory Note Depository Module of the Aladdin DEPO System
was put into operation in ALFA-Bank depository.
distributed Aladdin Mutal Funds Agents Network Systems was
depolyed in the "CAPITAL" Management Company.
The system is used by the agents to collect the requests
of the mutual funds participants. Among the agents are Petrocommerce
and Promsvyazbank bank branchs.
Aladdin Securities Back-Office System and Aladdin Fund System
for Mutual Funds accounting was put into operation in "NM-TRUST"
Management Company (NOMOS-Bank Group)
The Aladdin DEPO depository systems was put into operation
The base systems was supplemented with the Promisory Notes
Module, the Billing Module and the Electronic reporting
to Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS) and Central
Bank of Russia Reporting Modules.
The Aladdin SDEPO system was put into operation in the Promsvyazbank.
Aladdin Securities brokers and dealers back-office systems
was put into operation in the "SFC" financial
company. The Net-Investor Internet-Trading System ON-Line
Integration Module was included.
The International Moscow Bank testimonial was given about
Aladdin DEPO depository system operation.
The International Moscow Bank is the Russian bank with international
shareholders, one of the leaders in the field of the financial
service in Russia. Among the bank's clients - the first-rate
international financial organisations, russian legal companies
and individual persons. Among the special mentionings were
the inetrnational clients reporting, the MIDAS banking systems
integration, and SWIFT ISO 15002 messaging.
The Aladdin SQL and Aladdin SDEPO software was tested and
the sertification was carrying out in SBERBANK of Russia.
The Sertification Protocol was approved by Alexander E.
Pogodin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of SBERBANK. The sertification
was conducted in the test bench of the Automation Systems
Promotion and Support Division of the SBERBANK for the purpose
of the testing of the compliance with the SBERBANK requirements
. In result, the software system was recommended to promotion
in Depository of SBERBANK of Russia.
The Aladdin SDEPO special depository systems was deployed
and tested in SBERBANK of Russia depository.
The Aladdin Securities Asset Management/Aladdin Fund united
systems was put into operation in the "Metropol"
Management Company. The systems is used for the back-office
opeations of asset management and for the mutual funds operations
of the "Metropol Zeus", "Metropol Aphena"
and "Metropol Golden Wool" funds.
The Aladdin DEPO depository system was put into operation
in the "UNIVER" Investment Company.
The Aladdin Securities system started operations for the
individual assets and pension reserves assets management
in the "UNIVER" Investment Company.
The Federal Security Service of Russian Federation licenses
(former Federal Agancy for Goverment Communication and Information
licenses ) is received by “Aladdin-Systems-M” Company. Licenses
allows “Aladdin-Systems-M LLC” to provide design, creation
and support activities for information and communication
systems, protected by criptografic facilities, and to distribute
criprografic facilities and to provide criprografic data
processing service , especially in electronic workflow and
protected support network.
The Aladdin SDEPO System (Mutual and Pension Funds Control
Modules) accepted for real operation in ALFA BANK Special
Custody Division. In operation process, Special Custody Division
uses the most advanced technologies and software and provide
all-round client servicing by using the up-to-date accounting
and communication systems. Project includes some system improvements
for integration in Banks infrastructure, especially export
procedures for Alfa-Direct internet – trading system data.
A written testimonial about operation of the Aladdin Securities
System in the “Univer Investment Company”, one of the TOP50
Russian investment companies, is received. “The back-office
specialists operation work was automated maximally: exchange
bills dealings processing was simplifyed, automated processing
of MICEX and SPBEX dealings was realized. … Using of powerful
search and filtering system allows to find information in
short time.” - is mentioned in testemonial, signed by Yaroslav
M. Gritsko, Executing Managing Director.
10 Years Anniversary of the "Aladdin Systems" Company
operation on the Russian market. Since 1993 company performed
large quantity of information systems introductions for financial
operations, industry and communication brunches and also for
state and municipal organisations.
A written testimonial about operation of the custodian and
special custodian accounting system, based on Aladdin software
complex, in the “North-West Financial Company” is received.
“Aladdin System is being very flexible, allows a wealthy opportunities
on technology tuning … , and also allows to carry in changes
and improvements quickly” - is mentioned in testemonial, signed
by Alaexey O. Mishin, Executing Managing Director.
The commercial operation of the back-office system Aladdin
SECURITIES is started in the “UNIVER Investment Company” (Moscow).
“UNIVER IC” accomplish dealer, broker, depository and asset
management activity in compliance with Federal Comission Licenses.
Was included in the TOP-20 Russian Companies for securities
dealings amount and in TOP-25 Largest Russian Investment Companies
for non-exchange dealings amount for the year 2002 results.
Project includes some improvements in according to the company
operational technology, ?nd transfer from the earlier-using
back-office system.
Aladdin Mutual Funds Register’s support module is deployed
in “Garant Special Depository Company”.
The Response about Aladdin SECURITIES operation in back-office
of the Trade Department of “PEKO-Invest” Investment Company
is received. The company accomplish the broker, dealer and
asset management activity on the basis of Federal Commission
for Security Market Professional Partisipant Licenses. The
systems opportunity helps “PEKO-Invest” Investment Company
to bypass Federal Comissions checking.
We have received a written testimonial about operation of
“Aladdin DEPO/SDEPO” integrated system from our client investment
company “PEKO-Invest”. According to market study provided
by INFI PARTAD for the 2002 financial year, “PEKO-Invest”
is the largest special depositary of Russia by the total amount
of supervised property and it is 14th in the list of largest
depositaries of Russia by the total market value of stored
assets. “PEKO-Invest” is also one of the most trusted and
reliable depositaries of Russia as it is rated AAA by the
The Response from Rosbank Custody Department, one of the main
russian custodians, about access to practical operation of
the Aladdin SDEPO System (Special Depository of mutual and
pension funds) is received. The response was signed by Stepan
A. Tomlyanovich, read of Custody Department.
Aladdin SDEPO System (Mutual and Pension Funds Control
Service Modules) is deployed in “ALFA-BANK”.
The response about five –year collaboration between "Aladdin
Systems" and “ NIKOIL Investment Banking Group ” bank,
one of the most trusty, profitable and dynamic-growing banks
in Russia, is received. NIKoil IBG Bank is listed among the
10 largest Russian banks. The response was signed by Alexander
Torbakhov, Vice – Chairman, Chief Executive Director for Financial
The commercial operation of the united back-office and custodian
system Aladdin SECURITIES/DEPO is started in GASINVEST Investment
Company (Samara city). GASINVEST Company is a professional
partisipant of securities market, accomplish dealer, broker,
depository and asset management activity in compliance with
Federal Comission Licenses. Was included in the TOP-20 Russian
Companies for securities dealings amount and in ???-50 Largest
Russian Investment Companies for non-exchange dealings amount
for the year 2002 results.
The Response about Aladdin DEPO System operation in “Capital”
Join Stock Bank is received. The responsible approach for
Order # 44 and other Central Bank and Federal Comission for
Security Market Orders support is mentioned in response.
The Russian Federation Presidents State Technical Comission
licenses is received. Licenses allows “Aladdin-Systems LLC”
to provide design, creation and support activities for software
and hardware-software information protection facilities, and
protected systems.
Aladdin Mutual Funds Register’s support module, an adaptation
of full-scale registrars system for Federal Comission’s for
Security Market of Russian Federation 20-ps order requirements,
is deployed in NIKOIL Depository Company. Being intagrated
with special custodian mutual funds control system, Module
allows depository to fundamentally enlarge the clients service
volume without increasing costs.
The Aladdin SDEPO ™ system (Special Custodian for Pension
Funds) is deployed in "Trust and Investment Bank".
The response about use of the Aladdin SDEPO System from the
VNESHTORGBANK, one of the leading universal banks and custodians
in Russia, is received
The Aladdin SDEPO ™ system (Special Custodian for Mutual and
Pension Funds) is deployed in Limited partnership "Moscow
Central Depository" (MCD Ltd.)
The Aladdin DEPO custodian system is deployed in the join-stock
"Investment company IC Russ-Invest" (former name
open join-stock company "Voucher Investment Fund Russ-Invest")
The Integrated Back-Office of Asset Management Company
system is deployed in the "Creative Investment Technologies"
Asset Management company (Web-Invest Group, S. Peterburg).
The system allows to conduct the different accouning types
under the same documents: the internal accounting for asset
management and dealers operations (Aladdin Securities), Mutual
Fund management and bookkeeping (Aladdin FUND) and also includes
pension reserves structure monitoring reporting and reporting
according to the Federal Comission for Securities Market requirements.
The integrated custodian and special control depository for
mutual and pension funds system (Aladdin DEPO + Aladdin SDEPO)
with the mutual fund registrar module is deployed in the the
NorthWest Financial Company. The distributed corporate system
will unit the companies headquarter in St.-Petersburg and
Moscow branch. The NorthWest Financial Company serves "Telecom
Soyus" fund, one of the largest pension funds of Russia,
located in St.-Petersburg.
The reports are issued in Aladdin Securities system according
to " The Joint Decision from December 11, 2001 N32 of
Federal Comission for Securities Market and N 108 of Ministry
Of Finance of Russian Federation "About The Trades Internal
Account Conduction Order … ".
The folowing additional Aladdin Message modules are issued:
The Events Scheduler allows to automatically start the list
of actions on the specified time in Aladdin SQL Core based
systems. Reports Automatic Sending Tools supports Power Soft
Report Format on MAPI E-Mail transport.
The Aladdin DEPO system is deployed in the Custody Department
of "Horizon Broker And Consulting Company " (Kemerovo
city, Siberia region).
The new reports are issued in Aladdin DEPO (Custodian)
and Aladdin Securities (Back-Office) systems. The reports
of the professional participants of the Securities Market
are carrying out depository, dealer, broker and asset management
activity according to the Decision from December 11, 2001
of Federal Comission for Securities Market of Russia N 33
and Ministry of Finance of Russia N 109-i. " About The
Reporting Of The Securities Market Professional Participants".
The Integrated Back-Office of Asset Management Company system
is deployed in the "Capital - Asset Management"
company. The system allows to conduct the different account
types under the same documents: the internal account for asset
management and dealers operations (Aladdin Securities) and
Mutual Fund management and bookkeeping (Aladdin FUND).
Within the joint project framework the integrated system of
custody and special control depository for mutual and pension
funds (Aladdin DEPO + Aladdin SDEPO) with the module of mutual
fund registrar deployed in the "BrokerCreditService Ltd.
(BCS) " (Main office in Novosibirsk, branches in Moscow,
Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk, Omsk, Ekaterinburg). BCS
is currently one of the leading Russian companies in its sector.
It provides wide spectrum of services from broking different
financial instruments (shares, bonds, promissory notes/draughts,
futures) up to asset management and mutual fund management.
BCS Company consistently keeps 1 place in on the floor stock
turnover and is established Internet brokerage N 1 in Russia.
In Aladdin Securities (Back Office for brokerage and asset
management) system the Reports are realized according to the
Federal Commissions Decision from November 6, 1998 N 45 "
About the statement of a Temporary rule about representation
of the reporting by the professional participants of the securities
market, carrying out broker, dealer and asset management activity"
The response from IRCOL Special Custodian, signed by Olga
Petrova, General Director is received.
The Aladdin SDEPO ™ system (Special Custodian for Mutual and
Pension Funds) is deployed in "GUTA-BANK".
The Back-Office for Investment, Brokerage, Asset Management
and Custody system (Aladdin-Securities and Aladdin DEPO ™)
deployed in "Global-Invest" Company. New realise
included the Federal Comission reporting for the professional
participants of the securities market, and also several improvements
to pricing, expencies calculations and compensations.
The response from the "LUKOIL RESERVE INVEST" company
is received. The response is signed by Igor Sherkunov, Member
of the Board of Directors of LUKOIL , General Director of
The system for special custody for mutual and pension funds
Aladdin SDEPO ™ is deployed in Joint-Stock Commercial Bank
ROSBANK Custody.
The Custody system Aladdin DEPO ™ is deployed in
Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Capital" on the Microsoft
SQL Server 2000 - Windows NT platform.
The system for special custody for mutual and pension funds
Aladdin SDEPO ™ is deployed in Joint-Stock Commercial Bank
MFK ("International Financial Company") on the Microsoft
SQL Server 2000 - Windows NT platform.
The new version of Aladdin Migration Kit is issued.
The software, provides fast migration of systems (including
tables, stored procedures and triggers) between various hardware
platforms of Sybase Adaptive Server. In the new version the
migration of systems between Sybase Adaptive Server and Microsoft
SQL Server 2000 platforms is supported. The compiler provides
translation of stored procedures and triggers between Microsoft
and Sybase Transact SQL language dialects. The product can
be used for migration of any systems (not only based on Aladdin
SQL Core), and for creation of backup copies in a text format.
The Committee For Standartisation And Sertification of PARTAD
(Professional Association of Registrars, Transfer Agents and
Custodies) has accepted the decision to give out the Certificate
Of Conformity N A.003 to Custody System Aladdin DEPO ™ for
use in banks and special companies (Protocol CSS PARTAD No
5/2001). The decision was preceded with testing Aladdin DEPO
software by the INFI PARTAD experts on conformity to the Requirements
to the by PARTAD's " Standarts Of The Custody Account
for software". In an experts' report the qualitative
forms of the reports is marked. The reception of the certificate
gives the clients of Aladdin-Systems an opportunity to include
the cost of the Aladdin DEPO software in structure of own
means, and to increase a level in a rating of reliability
in PARTAD ranking.
The program complex Aladdin SDEPO, based on Aladdin SQL ™
Core has passed testing for conformity to the requirements
of Bank for Foreign Trade VNESHTORGBANK on a safety and information
protection and is accepted in commercial operation.
The Product Integration Agreement, between the Microsoft Ireland
Operations Limited and "Aladdin-Systems companies"
is signed, which entitles the Aladdin-Systems company to deliver
Microsoft SQL Server product and other software of Microsoft
Corp in Russian Federation and other CIS countries in complex
of the Aladdin Integrated Decision. Such agreement enables
to reduce cost of investments for the clients, planning to
use Aladdin products on the base of Microsoft SQL Server.
The Agreement is made according to the Aladdin company program
of Microsoft SQL Server support. MS SQL Server alongside with
Sybase Adaptive Server are the basic platforms for Financial
Systems, based on Aladdin SQL ™ Core, operation.
The new version of Aladdin Securities ™ (Back office for brokerage
and asset management) system is deployed in "PEKO-Invest"
Investment Financial Company. The configuration includes MICEX
and RTS trades support and also the trades through external
broker support. "PEKO-Invest" Investment Financial
Company carries out dealers, brokerage and asset management
The Nikoil Depositary, which provides safe custody services
for more than $1bln was insured in Lloyds sindicate on $ 5
mln. During preparation of the insurance contract, the complex
checking of NIKDEPO system (Aladdin DEPO version for NIKoil)
was carried out by the " Insurance Advisers And Brokers"
company. The check was spent on conformity to the Lloyd's
requirements on information protection, in particular from
personnel's not loyalty and from computer crimes. The contract
of insurance is brave with unprecedented for the Russian market
of volume of an insurance covering gives significant competitive
advantages for Nikoil Depositary.
The special custody system for mutual and pension funds Aladdin
SDEPO ™ is deployed in Bank for Foreign Trade VNESHTORGBANK.
The "Pension Reserves" module allows to carry out
registration and control functions behind pension reserves
of pension funds according to the requirements of Pension
Fund Inspection of Russian Federation. The module " Mutual
Fund Control" allows VNESHTORGBANK completely to automate
process of mutual funds service.
The operation of uniform custodian and special custodian (mutual
and pension funds control service) system (Aladdin DEPO ™
and Aladdin SDEPO ™) is begun in the "Ircol Depository"
company. "Ircol Depository" is carrying out control
service for "Alpha-Capital", one of largest mutual
funds in Russia, and for a number of not state pension funds.
The operation of united system for custodian Aladdin DEPO
™ and special depository (mutual and pension funds control)
Aladdin SDEPO ™ is started in the Depository of the "PEKO-Invest"company.
The Depository is carrying out custodian and control service
pension funds The "GAZFUND"is the largest (in the
assets values rating) pension fund in Russia.
The operation of the united system of custodian service Aladdin
DEPO ™ and pension funds control service Aladdin SDEPO ™ is
started in "NIKOIL Depository Company" The "NIKOIL
Depository Company" is carrying out control service for
18 not state pension funds.
The operation of the united system of custodian service
Aladdin DEPO ™ and mutual funds control service Aladdin SDEPO
™ is started in the "NIKOIL Special Depository"
company. The "NIKOIL Special Depository" is carrying
out special depository control service for the "LUKOIL-FUND"
group of mutual funds. Among them are "LUKOIL-FUND First,
Second and Third", the largest funds in assets values
The operation of Payments Control System on the basis of the
Aladdin SQL ™ Financial Systems Core is started in the "NIKOIL
Asset Managing Company" (Former "NIKoil-Management
Company"). The system provides formation of the payment
documents for the "LUKOIL FUNDS" mutual funds in
paper and several "client - bank" electronic formats.
The system allows to trace the workflow and execution of the
payment documents. Sybase Adaptive Server on Sun Ultra Enterprise
platform is used.
The Aladdin DEPO ™ custodian service system is deployed in
the "PEKO-Invest" Investment Financial company.
The Aladdin DEPO ™ custodian service system is deployed in
the "Ircol Depository " company.
The Aladdin DEPO ™ custodian service system is deployed in
the "GARANT Special Depository Company".
The Aladdin DEPO ™ custodian service system is deployed in
the "CentreInvest Securities, Inc." (CIS). CIS is
full service brokerage and investment firm that provides a
complete range of advisory, financing, research, risk management,
investment and custodian services to corporate and private
The agreement is signed with NIKOIL Investment Banking Group
on the development of the special depository system for mutual
funds, as the addition to the Aladdin DEPO ™ system.
The Aladdin DEPO ™ custodian service system is deployed in
the "LUKOIL Reserve Invest" Company (LURI).
The first session of the "Requirements to the software
for depository service" development group was held in
PARTAD (Professional Association of Registrars, Transfer-Agents
and Depositories). The representative of "Aladdin-systems"
company was included in the development group, consisted from
the representatives of Federal Comission for Securities Market
of Russian Federation, PARTAD, leading custodians (DCC, NDC
etc.) and software development companies.
The Reports according to the Federal Comission for Securities
Market Order N 1030 from 8.10.99 are included in Aladdin DEPO
system .
The "Diasoft DEPO" system was replaced by the Aladdin
DEPO ™ in Custodian Service Department of "Nikoil Investment
Banking Group" Joint-Stock Bank.
In the conference hall of the Central House of the Businessman
(Pokrovka street 47/24), Moscow Agency for the Development
of Enterprises (MADE) has carried out the presentation of
the "Remote Business - Consultation System For The Small
Enterprises And Beginners Businessmen" on the basis of
the Aladdin Technological Platform in Internet Network.
The "Aladdin Systems" company has announced about
the beginning of sales of the Aladdin Billing software for
the Internet - telephony providers, supporting Vocaltec Ensemble
6 Years Anniversary of the "Aladdin Systems" Company
operation on the Russian market. 04.11.1993 the first contract
on the "Moscow Milk Plant" (Tsaritchino Dairy) automation
was signed.
2 Years Anniversary of the operation of the " Archive
Of The Register Of The Small Enterprises of the Moscow City"
complex. For this time the stored information volume has exceeded
150 MB.
The agreement with "Sun Microsystems AB",
about assignment "The Sun Independent Software Vendor
" (ISV) status to our company is signed.
The "NIKoil Depository Company" started real operation
of the "NIKDEPO" system. The previous "Diasoft
DEPO" custody service system was replaced by the "NIKDEPO",
developed by the Aladdin Systems Company on the basis of the
"Aladdin SQL" financial core on the Sybase on Sun
Ultra Enterprise 3500 platform.
The Remote Consulting WEB-server operation started by the
Moscow Agency for the Development of the Enterprises. The
Remote Consulting WEB-server was created by the "Aladdin
Systems" according to the Moscow Program Of Development
of Small Business. The Web Server is developed on the basis
of " Aladdin SQL WEB Kit " product.
The new version of the " Aladdin SQL "
finacial systems core is developed.
The Aladdin Billing system for the Internet - telephony providers,
developed for the Association of Independent Providers and
the " Incomtel TG " company is started its operation.
securities market participants
are legal entities, including credit organizations, or the
individuals (physical persons) registered as the individual
entrepreneurs that have licenses for the activities related
to Russian securities markets (the types of such activities
are listed in the Chapter 2 of the Federal Law of 22.04.1996
¹39-FZ "On the Securities Market").
Fund (Unit Investment Fund , PIF) – is the instrument
of collective investment in Russia that allows investors
to combine their savings and invest them under the management
of a professional management company. Functionally, unit
investment funds in Russia are similar to mutual funds in
the USA, but their legal status and regulation are somewhat
different. One of the important differences is that the
US mutual funds are forced by law to make distributions
(they have to distribute at least 90% of their realized
capital gains and dividend income each year), whereas the
Russian PIFs don’t have to make any distributions. The “shares”
of PIFs are called units, and the investors are referred
to as unit-holders.
(the National Association of Stock Market Participants)
is a self-regulatory organization established in 1995 and
composed of professional securities market participants.
(the Professional Association of Registrars, Transfer Agents
and Depositories ) is a self-regulatory organization
established in 1994 and composed of registrars, depositories
and clearing organizations.
accruals are the funds that come from the mandatory
pension deductions of employed individuals and are recorded
in the special section of their pension accounts. These
funds are to be invested in various financial instruments
determined by the government, and by the time a person reaches
retirement age, this money will be used to finance the accumulative
part of the person’s government pension. (The government
pension now consists of three parts – basic, insurance and
accumulative, and the pension accruals are used to finance
the accumulative part. For more detail see Federal Law ¹173-FZ
of December 17, 2001, “On the labor pensions in Russian
reserves are the funds coming from the payments
to non-governmental pension funds from the individuals who
participate in voluntary pension schemes.